Sunday, December 21, 2014

real talk

I know my blog sucked and i have been kind of a tourist from the the beginning but that's ok because that's the real me. I don't like writing that much and I don't really like poetry. I just don't understand the fascination but i loved being in the class. I loved hearing what others had to say and nelson is awesome. Thanks to everyone that put the time into making your blogs fun to read and to the few that commented on my blog even though it sucked.

- Britain Buehler          

Sunday, December 14, 2014

I remember

I remember preschool naps.
I remember my first day of kindergarten and the yellow bags they gave us.
I remember Halloween parade lines.
I remember when i got my sister to help me and my brother to throw all of her barbies in the forest behind our house, and how mad my mom was at us.
I remember a birthday that all I got was power rangers.
I remember book fairs and never reading any of the books I got.
I remember trying to learn the violin.
I remember 5th grade and how we ruled the school.
I remember the first time I rode a 2 wheeled bicycle and how everyone cheered me on.
I remember gummy aliens and handcuffs.
I remember the fear i would have when we had to run the mile in middle school.
I remember kindergarten crushes.
I remember shooting spiders with my brother's BB gun.
I remember going motorcycling with family friends and we would end up spending more time playing in the sand dunes and catching frogs than riding our bikes.  
I remember thinking how adults couldn't make mistakes.
I remember being so afraid of sharks i wouldn't go and farther into the ocean than i knew a shark couldn't swim up and eat me.    
I remember family boating trips and rolling down sand dunes.
I remember when a bat got into our house and it took us all day to find it.
I remember when we filled the garage with a fog maker and my mom thought the house was on fire. I remember neighborhood garage sales.
I remember long lacrosse practices.
I remember when me and my brother took gymnastics for a year. It sucked  
I remember when my cousin swallowed a quarter at the Mayan.  
I remember when my dad almost was killed in downtown Orlando.
I remember when i found out that we were moving to Utah.
I remember the day we left and how sad it was.
I remember the day when we got our dog and how we couldn't pick a name for it.
I remember Boyne mountain and endless hot chocolates.    
I remember.....